Archive for 2010年11月

Only dead can dance——to Soper Aeternus


于是我们起舞。 跨过静静流淌的黑色河流,掠过腐败玫瑰的气息,迎面而来的是一座破碎虚空之城。放声高歌,回答的是轰隆倒地的高塔;低声吟唱,回答的是若有若无的私语。死亡的气息,在这里飘荡游弋;死亡的痕迹,在这里无限延伸;死亡的声音,从这里侵入心底,死亡的感觉,又从心底向四肢蔓延。慢慢地就沉醉在这浪潮里,让她用冰冷残忍而又温柔的旋律把你包围。



With dancing in darkness, with nobody silent in night boundless.

So we dance.

Flowing water under us, hackneyed roses around us, ruined city we face. With collapsing altar we sing, with looming whispers we underbreath. Drifting flavor, spreading sight, emerging voice, thrilling sense of death. Melody around, cold, brutal but gentle, take you to the eternal destiny of all lives.

My feet still on ground, my heart overlooking the abyss of insane.

Forget it, never dance in rhythm of tranquility, and never split in dark. Not sunlight can melt you nor smiles make you relieved.

Only dead can dance.

半夜听Soper Aeternus有感,我还是回归流氓本性,说一句:可算憋死小爷了,明儿个卖身!
